Previous projects from Creative Sustainability

Community Rail Partnership
A series of projects to improve connectivity, provide economic opportunity, and empower local people through sustainable transport, destination management and station activities.

Cotswold Canals Connected
Creative Sustainability worked with the partnership and local communities to develop a community engagement strategy for the Stroud canal restoration project.

GEM – Going the Extra Mile
The GEM Project was an employability and social inclusion programme, helping people in Gloucestershire to overcome challenges to employment and move them closer towards or into work.

ReConnect offers a peer befriending scheme in Gloucestershire for people affected by Stroke, Dementia, Aphasia, and other health conditions, and their carers.

The Bike Drop
A youth-led enterprise supporting zero carbon delivery, skills development and fair wage jobs for young people which grew out of the situation during the Covid period.

Green Days
A carousel of activities based on issues around sustainability and principles of Education for Sustainable Development over a whole school day, provided by specialist local social enterprises and organisations.

Future Now
Working with half a dozen secondary schools to understand what can be done to help put Sustainability on their agenda for curriculum, campus and community. Activities included: Sustainability Days, Schools Waste, Energy Reduction, Residential Camping and Educational Materials.

Our World
A collaboration between youth groups and young people, who met once a month to discuss and explore environmental and sustainability issues, share understanding with ‘Tiny Ted Talks’, debate solutions, question guest experts and express fears and misconceptions in a safe, non-judgemental environment.

Youth Organisation Capacity
Our work with Stroud Valleys Woodcraft Folk for three years developed our experience in providing training and activities around capacity, skills and inclusion development programmes for other youth organisations.