Become a Digital Champion

Could you make a difference to people’s lives by helping them get online and improve their digital skills?

Could you help people to…

  • fill out an online form?
  • reply to an email or text message?
  • chat and send pics on WhatsApp?
  • keep in touch with distant family?
  • feel safe and secure online?

We can train and support you to become a volunteer Digital Champion in your community.

Send us an email below and we will get back to you to arrange a chat.

    Infographic showing Characteristics of a Digital Champion
    Infographic showing the process of Becoming a Digital Champion
    We live in an increasingly online world, many key services are moving online such as banking, doctor appointments, benefit forms and job applications.

    Being online can also bring many benefits, such as staying in touch with distant family, easily sharing photos and videos, and shopping when you can’t leave the house.

    While many people have embraced digital technology, there are others who are less confident or not able to afford fast internet or the latest equipment and so they are at risk of being left behind.

    Creative Sustainability are working to improve Digital Inclusion across Stroud Town and beyond by working with volunteer Digital Champions and helping to provide access at local Digi Hubs.